Royal Scribe Hesire

2980-2900 BCE
Date Depicted:
8000 BC - 499 AD
A pleated loincloth girdled to the waist. In Egyptian art the standing figure is divided into eighteen rows of squares as follows: top of forehead to base of neck, two rows; neck to knees, ten rows; knees to feet, six rows. One row is equal to a fist. The
The basic garment is a loincloth called the kier. Draped around the body, it is tied together in front with the ends hanging free. Over the years the ends are stylized into a variety of shapes. In one version they stand out from the body in a stiff triangular panel which suggests a pyramid. In another version they are fringed and knotted into tassels. In late dynasties a long transparent skirt is over the loincloth. A male version of the kalasaris has either a left sleeve or both sleeves. Both the loincloth and kalasaris are full in cut, often with vertical pleats. The pleats are probably made by weaving heavy cords into fine fabric. Embroidery is common in the late dynasties. Capes of cloth rectangles are for the upper class. For religious occasions priests as well as royalty are in animal skins, which are drawn under the left arm and knotted over the right shoulder. The basic fabric is white linen in a variety of weights and qualities.
Costume -- Egypt -- History -- (LC)
Dress accessories -- Egypt -- History -- (LC)
Sculpture -- Egypt -- 3rd dynasty -- (YVRC)
Old Kingdom
Egyptian (ancient)
Accession Number:
costume (mode of fashion): clothing (AAT)
sculpture: reliefs (AAT)
Content Type:
Clothing & Accessories
Sculptures, Models, & Architecture
The use of this image may be subject to the copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) or to site license or other rights management terms and conditions. The person using the image is liable for any infringement.
Access Restrictions:
Yale Community Only
Source Creator:
Button, Jeanne and Sbarge, Stephen
Source Title:
History of Costume, In Slides, Notes and Commentaries: Volume 1
Source Created:
New York, NY
Theatre Arts Slide Presentations
Call Number:
GT513 +B87 1 (LC)
Orbis Barcode:
Yale Collection:
Visual Resources Collection
Digital Collection:
Visual Resources Collection
Original Repository:
Cairo, Egypt: Egyptian Museum