Portrait No. 14

Lam Qua, 1801-1860
Physical Description:
61 cm. x 47 cm.
Framed, oil on board
Older woman in traditional costume. Lobulated tumor at left side of abdominal wall.
Sixteenth Report of the Ophthalmic Hospital for the Year 1850 and 1851, printed at the office of the Chinese Repository, p. 20-21: No. 35727, May 20th, 1850, Fungoid tumor, twenty inches in circumference, Fung Shí, aged 52, of the district Hioshán, had a fungoid tumor of some years growth, situated on the left side of the abdomen. It was bounded by the false ribs above, the spine of the ilium and the umbilicus on the right and left, and near the groin below. It penetrated so deeply that at the base as to excite the apprehension of a medical gentleman who assisted in the operation, that it might communicate with the cavity of the abdomen; but persuaded from the history of the case that it did not, the patient was put under the influence of chloroform, and the tumor extirpated. The mass was so softened by disease, that detached portions remained after the principal part was extirpated, which were carefully removed. The patient was entirely unconscious of the operation, and subsequently was eloquent in her praises to other patients, of this, to her, wonderful agent for the prevention of suffering under otherwise painful operations. In one month the wound healed; and the patient returned home apparently well; but some three months afterwards she returned, when it was too apparent that the disease was not entirely eradicated.
Several moveable tumors had formed beneath healthy integument around the base of the original one. It was proposed to repeat the operation, to which she was quite willing to submit; but her son, apprehensive she might not be able the necessary loss of blood in so doing, dissented, and she returned home; she has not been heard from since.
Donated by Peter Parker to the Yale School of Medicine and transferred to the Historical Library.
Variant Titles:
Fung Shí
Medicine, Chinese
Missions and Missionaries
Missions, Medical
Case No. 35727
Fung Shí
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888
paintings (AAT)
Content Type:
Paintings & Drawings
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Source Title:
Peter Parker Collection
Yale Collection:
Cushing/Whitney Medical Library
Digital Collection:
Lam Qua's Portraits of Peter Parker's Patients