Finding of arms, or, A midnight domiciliary visit to the boarding school [graphic].

Williams, Charles, active 1797-1830, printmaker.
Physical Description:
1 print : etching on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 25.1 x 35 cm, on sheet 25.6 x 41.8 cm
Title etched below image.
Printmaker, publisher, and date of publication from British Museum catalogue.
Plate numbered "169" in upper right corner.
Plate from: Woodward, G.M. Caricature magazine, or Hudibrastic mirror. London : Thomas Tegg, [1808?], v. 3.
"Scene in a dormitory in which curtained four-post beds are ranged on each side of the room receding in perspective. Three school-mistresses encourage resistance to a police-officer with a warrant. The pupils are mature young women in plain décolletée nightgowns with short sleeves, and closely fitting caps. The governesses are distinguished by more elaborate caps, and one, 'Mademoiselle', wears a frilled dressing-jacket. She scratches the officer's face, saying, "Ah you come for de Arms! I give you de Hands and de Nails in de bargain you great big Villaine." He holds a constable's staff and a warrant ending '. . . shall be your Warrant,' but makes no resistance; on the ground are his hat and the Information: 'To Peter Pry Police Officer, you will find several pairs of Arms conceald under the bed cloaths every night at Mrs Bounces boarding school in Gunpowder lane.' He shouts: "Murder! I am come to search for Arms! I was informed you had some concealed under the bed cloaths every night, look at my warrant!" He is assailed from behind by a strapping governess holding a candle and a large poker. She stands just inside the open door (left), kicking him, and says: "He shall have Arms, Legs and the poker too, I had just got into my first sleep." Another woman, probably Mrs. Bounce, runs up from the right holding up a candle. She exclaims: "Thats right Mademoiselle Mark him well that we may know him again by day light." The officer has two assistants; one, attempting to search a bed, receives in the face the contents of a chamber-pot from a girl kneeling on the bed; she says: "There some eye water to make you see clear." The third ransacks a trunk in the right foreground; its arched top is marked in nails 'J. Manlo[ve]'. He has thrown out two books: 'Aristotle Ma[sterpiece]' and 'Juvenile Indiscretions a Novel in 4 Vols.' and holds up 'Ovids Art of Love'. The owner grasps his short pigtail and raises a slipper to smite, saying, "I'll teach you to ransack my trunk in this manner you impudent fellow let my books of instruction alone." He answers: "Indeed Miss I won't take one away I would rather help to explain them!" Two pupils say: "Oh dear he is takeing Miss Manlove's pretty books, that she read of a Night to us," and "I'll tear his eyes out if he comes to my box." A stout girl runs forward from the right with raised arms and crisped fingers, saying, "Governess I can scratch rarely let me help you"."--British Museum online catalogue.
Variant Titles:
Midnight domiciliary visit to the boarding school
Johnstone, Henry Arthur--Ownership.
Tegg, Thomas, 1776-1845, publisher.
Satires (Visual works)--England--1819.
These images are provided for study purposes only. For publication or other use of images from the Library's collection, please contact the Lewis Walpole Library at Further details on the Library's photoduplication policy are available at
Source Title:
Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Call Number:
807 v.3
Folio 75 W87 807 v.3
Orbis Record:
Yale Collection:
Lewis Walpole Library
Digital Collection:
Lewis Walpole Library
Local Record Number:
Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 9, no. 13291