The slough of despond [graphic] : vide The Patriot's Progress / Js. Gy. dn. et fect. pro bono publico.

Pubd. Jany. 2d, 1793, by H. Humphrey, N. 18 Old Bond Street
[2 January 1793]
Physical Description:
1 print : etching on wove paper, hand-colored ; sheet 25 x 35 cm
Title etched below image.
Three lines of text from Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress quoted to the right of title: "This miry slough is such a place as can not be mended ..."
Sheet partially trimmed within plate mark.
Temporary local subject terms: Literature: reference to John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress -- Allusion to French Revolution -- Reference to France -- Emblems: tri-colored cockades -- Emblems: cap of Liberty -- Allusion to Richard Price -- Allusion to Thomas Paine -- Allusion to Joseph Priestley -- Allusion to Jêrome Pétion -- Mottoes: c̨a ira.
Old Print Shop ; June 1961.
"The head and shoulders of Fox (like Christian in 'The Pilgrim's Progress') emerge from a pool of liquid mire; he looks despairingly up and to the right, his (half-submerged) hands raised in supplication. On his back is a bundle inscribed 'Contents French Gold, French Loyalty, French Daggers [cf. BMSat 8285, &c.], And Crimes, more num'rous than the sands, upon the Ocean's shore.' His hat has fallen off, the tricolour cockade and motto 'Ca ira' are half submerged. His large club rises from the slough: 'Patriots Staff - i.e. Whig Club' [cf. BMSat 8987, &c.]. Before him floats an open book: 'Gospel of Liberty by the four Evangelists St Paine St Price St Priestly St Petion [see BMSat 8122] \ Fly to the Wrath to come." Fox says: "Help! Help! - will no kind Power lend a hand to deliver me ? - Oh! what will become of me ? - all my former Friends have forsaken me! - if I try to go on, I sink deeper in the Filth; & my feet are stuck so fast in the Mire, that I can not get back, 'tho I try; - Ah me! - this Burden upon my Back overwhelm's me, & presses me down! - I shall Rise no more! - I am lost for ever, & shall never see the Promis'd Land!!" From the slough a hill ascends up which a straight path leads to a fortified gateway in a castellated wall inscribed: 'Knock, & it shall be opened. The Straight Gate: or the way to the Patriots Paradise.' From it flies a flag of 'Libertas', surmounted with the cap of Liberty. Within the wall is a ladder slanting towards a waning moon. ..."--British Museum online catalogue.
Associated Names:
Gillray, James, 1756-1815 [Printmaker]
Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817 [Publisher]
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806
Harvey, Francis
Riviere & Son
Etchings -- England -- London -- 1793
Satires (Visual works) -- England -- 1793
Content Type:
Prints & Photographs
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Yale Collection:
Lewis Walpole Library
Digital Collection:
Lewis Walpole Library
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Digital version