Doublûres of characters, or, Striking resemblances in phisiognomy [graphic] / Js. Gillray inv. & fect.

Publish'd Novr. 1st, 1798, by J. Wright, Piccadilly, for the Anti Jacobin review
[1 November 1798]
Physical Description:
1 print : mixed method on wove paper, hand-colored ; sheet 27 x 37 cm
Title etched below image.
Text following title: "If you would know mens [sic] hearts, look in their faces." Lavater.
Plate from: The Anti-Jacobin review and magazine, or, Monthly politique and literary censor. London, 1798, v.1, p. 612.
Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Temporary local subject temrs: Satan -- Judas -- Silenus (Greek deity) -- Devil -- Highwaymen: Sixteen-String Jack -- Baboons - Jockeys.
Alfred Bowditch Collection ; Dec. 1966 ; Acquisitions no.: 966-12-6-67.
1 print on wove paper : mixed method ; sheet 26 x 36 cm., mounted to 31 x 41 cm.
"Bust portraits of seven leaders of the Opposition, each with his almost identical double, arranged in two rows, with numbers referring to notes below the title. The first pair are Fox, directed slightly to the left, and Satan, a snake round his neck, his agonized scowl a slight exaggeration of Fox's expression; behind them are flames. They are 'I. The Patron of Liberty, Doublûre, the Arch-Fiend' (cf. BMSats 6383, 9263, &c). Next is Sheridan, with bloated face, and staring intently with an expression of sly greed; his double clasps a money-bag: 'II. A Friend to his Country, Doubr Judas selling his Master'. The Duke of Norfolk, looking to the right, scarcely caricatured, but older than in contemporary prints. His double, older still, crowned with vines, holds a brimming glass to his lips, which drip with wine: 'III. Character of High Birth, Doubr Silenus debauching' (cf. BMSat 8159). (Below) Tierney, directed to the right, but looking sideways to the left: 'IV. A Finish'd Patriot, Doubr The lowest Spirit of Hell.' Burdett, in profile to the right, with his characteristic shock of forward-falling hair, trace of whisker, and high neck-cloth, has a raffish-looking double with similar but unkempt hair: 'V. Arbiter Elegantiarum, Doubr Sixteen-string Jack' [a noted highwayman]. Lord Derby, caricatured, in profil perdu, very like his simian double, who wears a bonnet-rouge terminating in the bell of a fool's cap: 'VI. Strong Sense, Doubr A Baboon.' The Duke of Bedford, not caricatured, and wearing a top-hat, has a double wearing a jockey cap and striped coat (see BMSat 9380): 'VII. A Pillar of the State, Doubr A Newmarket Jockey'."--British Museum online catalogue.
Variant Titles:
Striking resemblances in phisiognomy
Associated Names:
Gillray, James, 1756-1815 [Printmaker]
Wright, J. 1770?-1844 [Publisher]
Bedford, Francis Russell, Duke of, 1765-
Burdett, Francis, 1770-1844
Derby, Edward Smith Stanley, Earl of, 1752-1834
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806
Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816
Tierney, George, 1761-1830
Intaglio prints -- England -- London -- 1798
Periodical illustrations -- England -- London -- 1798
Satires (Visual works) -- England -- 1798
Watermarks (Paper) -- J. Whatman -- 1794
Content Type:
Prints & Photographs
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Call Number:
798.11.01.03+ Impression 2
Orbis Record:
Yale Collection:
Lewis Walpole Library
Digital Collection:
Lewis Walpole Library
Local Record Number:
Digital version